Ag Enhancement Board
The Town of East Bloomfield is looking for interested volunteers to be members of the town’s Ag Enhancement board  Details


Local, Town and County News



Background Information                                                                                                                              Archived News

     We publish a town newsletter four times per year. This newsletter is not mailed to residents:; however it is distributed to key locations around town and it is posted on our town website. You may sign up for these newsletters on the home page of our town website where it asks you to " click here to receive town news, information and updates via email".

     We would like to post  more information more often about town projects.  We will provide a brief description of town projects that are underway. It is our goal to keep you well informed and up to date about our Town of East Bloomfield.      



Court Security.

We have increased security at our court facility.  A TSA walk through device was installed this past year. All visitors to the court will be screened when they enter.   Another security feature is the assignment of an Ontario County Police Officer to each scheduled court date.  This system includes both East and West Bloomfield Courts held in the East Bloomfield Court Facility.

Please sign up and join your neighbors.

We have 200 people who registered with an email address to receive our quarterly newsletter.
     Click on” What’s Happening”
     Click on “Newsletter”
     Scroll down to bottom and click on the link and you will be added to our electronic mailing list.

Share the Road.

We do not have extensive trails and pathways for our residents. Therefore, people typically use the shoulders of our roadways to bike, run or walk.   Please be mindful and observant of your fellow residents and those people coming through our town when you are behind the wheel of your motor vehicle.

American Legion Building Open for Business.

Did you know that the Legion Building renovations are now complete and you can reserve the entire building or simply rent half of the space? We have a Meeting Room and a Community Room with a professional portable divider so that two groups can reserve the building at the same time.  Call our Town Clerk, Peggy Gochenaur, for details (585) 657-6515.                                                                                

Click here to receive Town Newsletter via email.